Immigration Bricks

In Innovations this year, our teacher, Mrs. Philps, had us make Immigration Bricks. It could be on anything, as long as there was an aspect of immigration. Our task was to then put our information on Kleenex box ‘brick’. Everyone in my class had to make two bricks, and at the end of the year, all of our bricks will be assembled into a wall at Hawthorne Square. I am looking forward to seeing a picture of the wall at the end of the year.

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I liked the challenge of coming up with creative ways to put the information on the brick. For my first brick, I had multiple overlapping pages with information on the first generation and 20th-century immigrants. On my second brick, I learned how to make a QR code to my Padlet on Japanese-Canadian internment camps.

Here is the link to the Padlet that I made:  ~ Hailey

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